Watch weekly to elevate your life.

Learn how to build self worth, stop people-pleasing, avoid narcissists, and strengthen boundaries. Every week, I teach tools to help you elevate your life, recover from toxic relationships, and build self-esteem.

Low self-esteem doesn’t just accidentally "happen" to you, it’s most often the byproduct of years of emotional abuse, gaslighting, toxicity, and blurry boundaries. If you’ve had unhealthy patterns modeled for you, or trained into you, it’s likely that you’ve become a magnet for emotional vampires, sociopaths, narcissists, and predators. Over time these dysfunctional relationships take a massive toll on your self-worth. It’s time to take your life back, reclaim your power, and strengthen your self-worth.

On my show, I share how I recovered from narcissistic abuse by strengthening boundaries, stopping the people-pleasing habit, finding my voice, and reclaiming my self-worth--and I also share the same tools that have helped my clients to do the same for the past 20 years.

Here are some of my latest episodes to get you started…

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