self love

How to Love Yourself: 3 Steps to True Confidence

Do you lack confidence? Do you feel insecure or uncertain about yourself? Are you ready to learn how to love yourself, how to believe in yourself, and how to experience true self empowerment ? If so, this blog is for you! I share three powerful steps that will help you master self-love and increase your confidence. Discover the power of self-love and what you really need to do to build lasting self-worth. Learn how to cultivate self-acceptance, self improvement, and self-care in your daily life. Learn what self-love really means so you can embrace your true worth. Embrace your true self and discover a deep sense of confidence within.

Why You Have Low Self-Esteem and How to Fix It: 3 Easy Steps

Your self-esteem affects every aspect of your life–your relationships, your parenting, your bank account, and how you interact with the world. In this video you’ll learn three reasons why you have low self-esteem and what you need to do to improve it. Discover the root causes of low self-esteem and learn practical steps to boost your confidence. We'll dive deep into the factors that contribute to low self-worth and provide actionable tips to help you embrace your true value. Don't let low self-esteem hold you back any longer – read now and start your journey towards a more confident you!

Mastering Confidence: Build Self-Worth When Starting New Things

Trying something new can be a daunting experience that may leave you feeling insecure and lacking in self-worth. However, building self-worth is essential for personal growth. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and tricks to help you show up with a sense of self-worth when trying something new.

Navigating Failure: Building Self-Worth Through Sadness and Grief

After putting in so much effort and time into something that fails, it's understandable to feel like giving up. Most people often believe that failure leads to shame, but it's vital to understand that shame and failure are separate emotions, and they should be treated differently. Learn how to acknowledge your failures and how turn any failure into something that builds self-worth.

Break Free from the Compare and Despair Cycle: Build Self-Worth

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Instagram and feeling like you're not good enough compared to others? This is known as "compare and despair," and it's a common experience. But what can you do about it?Learn about the emotions behind compare and despair, and how to use them to build self-worth.

Stop Hiding From The World: How to Own Your Worth

Have you ever felt like hiding because of shame or guilt? It's a natural human emotion that can impact our self-worth and keep us stuck in the Worthless Cycle. But rather than spiraling downward, we can choose to follow the worthy cycle, which values our true self over the ideal image. To break free from the Worthless Cycle, we must take actions to repair lost connections and honor our need for connection

Earn What You Deserve: Build Self-Worth

What is the relationship between self-worth and getting paid? Whether you want a raise, need to ask for payment, or simply feel uncomfortable putting your work out in the world, here are three things you can do to strengthen your self-worth and get the compensation you deserve.

The Disturbing Truth About Self-Worth and What You Keep Hidden

Is there a relationship between our deepest, darkest secrets and self-worth? What should you do with old toxic shame? Learn how to acknowledge your past actions, come to terms with who you were (and who you are now), and use my 3-step tool to turn your darkest secret into something that can actually build self-worth.

The #1 Gift You Should Never Accept

The #1 Gift You Should Never Accept

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Einstein defined this as insanity.

I define this as...

The holidays.

Trying to create the Pinterest-perfect-Rockwellian holiday, we hurry and worry. We compare and despair. It's as if we've turned the holidays into a competitive sport. Social media being the judge and jury. And the harder we train, and the tougher our game. The worse we feel.

We hold ourselves to the standard of being thin, happy, rich, gracious, grateful, cheerful, merry and bright, while the kids must all get along, and the cards need to be sent on time, and the dog needs to stop eating the ornaments off the tree (or maybe that's just at my house). Which makes us highly susceptible to receiving gifts that we should never accept in the first place.

How To Let Go

How To Let Go

I know how to hold on.

How to push. Force. Sweat. Grunt. Dig deep. Grit my teeth. And get shit done.

I'm fiercely talented at keeping a grudge alive.

I know how to stay focused. Eyes on the prize. Nose to the grindstone.

I don't give up. Nor do I give in. Until the universe beats it into me.

Surrender's just not my strong-suit.

And sometimes this strength has moved mountains in my life. It's gotten me through death and divorce. It has finished a marathon, published two books, and paid off more than a half-million in debt.

But sometimes this strength has been my weakest link.

Because anything too rigid.

Can break.

And I did. Well, my heart did.