A Good Why — Meadow DeVor


A Good Why

I want to make more money.
I want to feel sexy.
I want to lose weight.
I want to get out of debt.
I want to have a boyfriend.
I want to keep a journal.
I want to change.
I want to tell the truth.

Everybody wants something. I want something. You want something.  We want to be more. Or to be less. We want to have more... or have less... of something.

Most of us know what we want.

But very few of us take the time to figure out WHY we want what we want.

And The Why is only thing that will determine whether or not we will get what we want. 

Do you want more money? Tell me in one sentence why.

My clients tell me they want more money so that they don't have to answer to their husbands anymore. Or so that they can buy whatever they want. Because they are tired of living 'this way.' Because they are sick of feeling guilty. Or so they don't have to tell their kids 'no.' 

And these types of Why's will never create the result they are looking for.

They don't work because they aren't the real answer. The real Why is never about someone else. It's never about trying to avoid our feelings. It's never about getting more stuff. It's never about a bank account. Or a number on a scale. Or a dress size. Or a ring on a finger. 

The real Why is always about you. And only you.

The real Why is about how you will feel. It's about what you want for your life. It's about who you are and who you want to be.

Your real Why creates inspiration. You can feel it. It's yours. You own it. With that inspiration, you take action. And those actions lead you to specific results.

Why do want more money?

Because it is fun.
It's exciting - like playing a game.
I love to challenge myself.
I love using my creativity and seeing it convert to cash.
I love my clients and the work I'm able to do with them.
I love creating money and sharing it the people I love.
I love feeling financially responsible.
I love taking care of myself and my daughter.

What do you want?
Why do you want it?

Keep asking, keep digging. Be relentless in pursuit of uncovering your Why. Find a Why that inspires you. A Why that pulls you toward who you really are.

"It doesn't matter what you do. It matters why you do it." ~ Simon Sinek