Feeling Lazy? Don't Miss These Self-Worth Hacks

What do you do when you're feeling lazy? We all have those moments when we just want to take a break, relax, and recharge. But how does laziness relate to self-worth? In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of self-worth and how you can build it even when you're feeling lazy.

Understand Self-Worth and True Self vs. Ideal Image

Self-worth is all about valuing and giving attention to your true self. It's not about constantly striving to meet an ideal image or societal expectations. Your true self is the authentic, essential part of who you are. It exists in the present moment, in your human body. It's the you that dreams, creates, loves, and connects with others. Protecting and investing in your true self is key to building self-worth.

Differentiate Between True Self and Ideal Image

The ideal image, on the other hand, is the social role or identity you aspire to. It's the way you want to be perceived by others and the standards society has taught you to value. However, the ideal image is an ever-changing illusion that only exists in your imagination. It focuses on exterior appearances and superficial concepts. When you constantly fixate on this ideal image, your true self suffers, and your self-worth deteriorates.

Rethink the Concept of Laziness

Let's address the negative connotation of laziness. Often, we use this label as a weapon against ourselves, judging ourselves based on our ideal image. But instead of criticizing ourselves, we should shift our focus to our true self. When you value and care for your true self, you see yourself as someone deserving of kindness and understanding. Just as you wouldn't call a loved one lazy, you should extend that same compassion to yourself.

The Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself

When you find yourself feeling lazy, it's essential to check in with your true self. Ask yourself three important questions:

1. What would I really love to do right now?

2. What do I really want?

3. How can I best care for myself?

These questions help you understand your true desires and needs in that moment. Avoid falling into the trap of comparing yourself to an ideal image. Focus on what truly brings you joy and how you can prioritize self-care.

Grant Yourself Permission

Once you've asked yourself these questions, the next step is giving yourself permission. Allow yourself to take a day off, rest, or engage in activities that genuinely bring you happiness. Remember that you are your own person, and you have the freedom to choose what you want to do. By granting yourself permission, you reinforce the idea that you are worthy of time, attention, care, and kindness. This is how you build self-worth.

To summarize, here are the three steps you can take for self-care when you're feeling lazy:

1. Ask yourself if you're using your ideal image as a weapon against yourself. Be honest and challenge the negative self-talk.

2. Check in with your true self by asking what you would love to do, what you truly want, and how you can best care for yourself. Prioritize your authentic desires and needs.

3. Give yourself permission to engage in activities that bring you joy and provide the self-care you deserve. Embrace rest, kindness, and generosity towards yourself.

By following these steps, you'll not only change your perspective on laziness but also nurture a deeper sense of self-worth. Remember, self-worth isn't tied to productivity or meeting unrealistic expectations. It's about valuing and honoring your true self, no matter how you feel in the moment. So give yourself the gift of self-care, even on those lazy days, and watch your self-worth flourish.