Does self-worth affect your parenting? The answer is yes. Here I share about how boundaries affect parenting, self-worth, and trust. I give you a "before-and-after" example of what my parenting looked like when my self-esteem was in the gutter and what parenting looked like "after" I had a strong sense of self worth. Learn why self-worth work is critical for parents and easy steps to help you start your own worthy work.
The Only Way to Get What You Really Want
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. My daughter started her senior year, got her driver's license, and is celebrating her birthday all within these first few days of school.
I've been watching her the past few nights as she stays up way beyond my late-night-limits (ahem... 8pm) and keeps on truckin' until her homework is done. I'm watching her get herself up early, feed herself, and drive (DRIVE!) herself to school.
Five Things I Learned This Year
Nothing like birthdays and back to school to bring life into a special sort of focus... right? I'm turning 46 this week. That's a pretty damned grown up number. And I have to say that I'm proud of this number. I earned this number. I have never felt more alive, more grounded, more at ease, or more loved.
Five Lies That Keep You Stuck
It’s difficult to know when you’re lying to yourself. Here are five common lies that keep you stuck and questions to help set you free.
A Family Un-Broken
She said, "Oh that's good, because we don't really have many people of your kind at our school and she'd probably have a hard time fitting in."
"What kind are we?" I asked, completely baffled and wholly curious to see what was about to come out of her mouth.
"You know... broken," she said, shrugging her shoulders and smiling apologetically, "We don't have any broken families at our school."
Oh. Broken.
For Those Who Are Motherless
It was almost my turn to speak. In our close and huddled circle, each person had already spoken in hushed voices and long pauses -- each taking time to go within, to listen and to wait -- bringing forward only what they had found to be true about their experience, sometimes with the look of astonishment as though they had just discovered something they didn't even know they knew. To sit with someone as they tell the truth is to witness something holy, one of the greatest gifts of our shared human experience.
A Quiet Revolution
Towers of white water rolled toward me. Rows of frothing Goliaths moving sideways and forwards, bumping into each other as the wind whipped their white crests of spray high into the air and further toward the western horizon, doubling their size, magnifying the fierceness.
I felt small.
Blindfolded and Sleepwalking
It’s like I closed my eyes for two minutes. Maybe it was just a blink. I swear, it couldn’t have been that long. Fall came and went. My daughter now too old to be taken door to door by her mother, made plans to trick-or-treat with friends. Did we even buy a pumpkin this year? I don’t think so.
Coming Home
I think this is what happens when a heart gets broken too many times. When a person gets criticized too many times. Or when a body is lonely for too long. To save our own lives, we cut pieces of ourselves off in an attempt to drag ourselves to whatever we are desperately seeking.
Looking Into the Eyes of Freedom
These were little compromises, tiny seemingly-harmless shape-shifty-things. I'd backed myself into a corner of a very small cage. And I wasn't okay in there. Something needed to change.