Radical Action — Meadow DeVor


Radical Action

Radical Action

Once we know the truth, our decision has been made and our target is in focus -  it’s time for our next move. Radical Action.

Radical Action is doing anything and everything to jumpstart the change process.

We must become a fanatic. We must be willing to create significant and extreme change. Now.

Radical Action means sacrificing more than we ever want to. And working harder than we ever thought possible. It’s about stretching our strength. Our resolve. 

It’s a memo to the universe that we’re serious. And that we’ll do what it takes.

It seals our self-promise in blood. Sweat. Maybe even tears.

If we’re not serious about changing, this step will be painful. Maybe even excruciating. It will eventually cripple us. And stop us in our tracks.

But if we are serious about changing, this step will be laughable. Comical. We’ll see how simple it is to apply effort and see change happening right before our eyes. We’ll see ourselves as the creator of this change. And we’ll love it.

This step separates the talkers from the doers. It leverages our investment in the change process and catapults us toward success.

Radical action isn’t just doing little things here or there. It’s about being a disciple  for change. An advocate for our future. A visionary. A rebel.

Radical Action is drastic. It’s getting another job. Or two. Or three. And using that money to pay off debt. It took me three jobs to jumpstart my debt-payoff. I wasn’t fucking around. I wanted to pay it and get it done. And it worked.

Radical Action is selling all your shit. Seriously as much as you can.  I sold upside-down houses, my real estate investments, my retirement accounts. I sold dresses, handbags, furniture. I sold tools, toys, electronics. I sold anything and everything that I could and put it all toward debt.

Let me be clear, Radical Action isn’t just living on beans and rice. Or moving under the nearest highway overpass. It isn’t about deprivation or punishment. It’s about conscious deliberate choices that are made from an empowered place. 

It’s about being a hero. Not a victim.

Radical Action is lowering your overhead. It’s canceling your cable, gym memberships and yoga classes. It’s letting your roots grow in and your nails go back to natural. (And yes - you might end up looking homeless - briefly. But it’s a lot better than beinghomeless.) It’s about cooking at home, pot lucks and movie nights. It’s about coffee rather than cocktails. It’s about making real changes in your lifestyle.

In the realm of weight loss, Radical Action looks like sweat. It’s about moving your body hard enough to raise your heart rate and to make your breath audible. It’s about doing more than you think you can. It’s about going faster than you can imagine. It’s about dragging your ass out of bed at 5. Or maybe even 4. 

Radical Action isn’t starving yourself.  It isn’t punishing your body through extended hunger strikes or body-harming-workouts. It isn’t taking pills or drugs. It isn’t about a juice fast. Or the latest cleanse. Radical Action is about being responsible for your own body. It’s about self-care. It’s about taking responsibility for this change. It’s not about blaming, punishing or depriving. 

Radical Action is clearing out the cupboards. Shopping mindfully. Preparing a menu. It’s about packing a lunch. Having snacks on hand. It’s about being conscious and deliberate with your food and drink choices.

The beauty of Radical Action is more internal than external. 

It is explicit evidence that you are keeping your promise. It is a testament of your commitment to change. It’s a chance to be proud of yourself. To high-five yourself. To feel awesome.

Externally, Radical Action jumpstarts a powerful chain of events. It’s the first domino to tumble in the series. It gets the momentum going. 

And you’ll need this momentum. It carries you through the times when you want to give up. When you think changing is too hard. And when you want to quit. 

Radical Action helps redefine who you are. It helps you prove to yourself that you are not just someone who hopes to change.

You are someone who creates it.